'Easy days', the Troll's path, & the beautiful Geirangerfjord

'Easy days', the Troll's path, & Geiranger The UNESCO site Geirangerfjord. Supporting Hand in Hand for Syria - www.alaina.org.uk Ride day 15: 49 miles, 864m ascent Damn you wind - this is my 'easy' day! Atlantic Ocean Road Doing my mega day had afforded me time to split the next hundred miler in half. Knowing I'd be going over the place pictured above, I thought it's not something I want to rush or be feeling horrific for! 30 minutes of sun!? Quick! My gear may go from soaked to damp! :D Feeling leisurely, I took my time with getting ready, & met another lovely German couple touring in their campervan. My route south began with a tunnel illegal for cyclists, & it seemed the ferry I planned to take actually no longer exists! Fortunately buses were running on Sundays, albeit quite infrequently, so I had to wait until 3pm for this. A part of Kristiansund called 'Grip Island'. I'm actually having some chill ...